eBee X Flight 1, post-processed

Description: These images were collected as part of the River Fire recovery mapping project at HREC (mapping areas burnt in the 2018 River Fire).
Pilot: Becca Fenwick, UC NRS
Contact: Shane Feirer, IGIS
Local dir: D:/Pix4D/HREC/RiverFire2020/imgs/ebX_Flt01_postproc/img/msp
Data URL: NA
Num images: 3840
Camera: Parrot Sequoia MS
Total file size: 5586 MB
Area: 249.31 acres
Start: Oct 13 2020, 08:37:50 PM
End: Oct 13 2020, 09:25:58 PM
Image size: 1280 x 960
Notes: The flight was conducted using eMotion 3.15 with 75% x 75% overlap (front and side respectively), with a targetted GSD of 11cm (resulting in a flight altitude of ~116m AGL). Post-processing was done with eMotion 3.15. The eBee X had RTK/PPK capabilities, but the post-processing could only improve the geostamp for about 12% of the locations (log files from the base station did not overlap the image timestamps).




EXIF Data Analysis

Estimates of ground sampling distance, above ground elevation, and footprints not available

29 October, 2020Created with Drone Image Utils for R